Armenian Market
I decided to start a new blog since I am starting a new journey! I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone, but if it does - get over it! haha. I was in Armenia for too long. My next stop was Ireland. It was an awesome trip with awesome people. I can back to America in the middle of September. Amanda, Chris and I stayed with my Mom. Josh skipped out of the Ireland trip a bit earlier. Steve and Meghan Sloan came to stay with us as well. It was a mini Peace Corps reunion! We had a lot of fun (as much fun as possible in New Jersey...). I stayed home an extra week to see my Timmmayy and Daner Lynn.
I decided to do something fun for work since I had to readjust my life plans. Working 9-5, five days a week at McDonalds was not very appealing. If Chipotle opened near me maybe I would have stuck around... However, the reality of the situation is that Chipotle is no where to be found near Trenton, NJ. Shame on them. I guess it worked out for the best, I am moving out west. Pretty exciting, huh? I got a job in Telluride, CO with Amanda. We are going to be ski instructors for the ski season this year. It met all my requirements: full-time, fun, different, seasonal. Telluride is my next stop on the adventure train! haha. The only minor inconvenience for me and Amanda is the fact that all of our winter clothing and accessories are still in the Republic of Georgia. hahaha. Never a dull moment.
I am currently in Pearland, Texas visiting Amanda's home. It is right outside of Houston and HUMID. I don't know how people live in this kind of weather year round. I have had tex mex, barbeque and cajun food. I know, I know, I inevitably talk about food more than anything else. There is a donut place- Shipley's...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Jack in the Box is also fabulous, especially after a night out. This is a shout out to Tim and Dana- They have Little Ceasars EVERYWHERE down here. I finally had some! And everything has a drive-thru window. Little Ceasars has a drive-thru window people! How brilliant. Needless to say, I have had 2 pizzas from there in one week. haha. Last night we went to Big Texas, it was everything I ever pictured of a Texas bar. A cute boy taught me how to two step! That's right, I got out on the dance floor in front of everyone. I had so much fun. We danced until the place closed. It is a good thing I am leaving soon, I would definitely have an accent if I lived down here.
We are going to Amanda's dad's house tonight, I am excited to meet him! Ok, enough rambling I am ending this post now. I will post more pictures when I have time.
Wait! One more brilliant thing I have been introduced to in Texas - The Red Box! They are outside of most places down here like Walgreens and CVS. It is a movie rental machine. They are $1 and you can return the DVD to any Red Box you see! Well, I thought it was a great idea.
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