Yoga. That's right, I am actually giving it a shot. Everyday this week we have gone. And this is nothing like Yoga for the People on St. Marks in NYC. Amanda and I have been going to a little studio about 5 minutes away from her grandparents' home. The instructors are awesome and have actually been teaching us a lot. I still prefer weights and a good run as exercise! I will say that is it relaxing. It is a fun, new challenge (if you know me, you are aware that I am not the most flexible person in the world. haha).
We are waiting to see when we can move out to Telluride. Unfortunately, Amanda's grandfather is a bit ill and needs some help recovering. He is a little better each day, I am thankful for that. A truly hilarious man, let me tell you. He reminds me so much of my Poppop. It makes me miss him so much. I keep sneaking into the country club's gym. Eventhough the treadmill is ruining my legs, I feel like yoga is helping. haha.
Okay, exciting things happened today! We went looking for ski stuff since all of our winter things in the Republic of Georgia are being put on a cargo ship...eventually. There was this little store in Old Colorado City we happened to drive by today. Naturally, we stopped in...AND there were awesome snow jackets from last year on sale! We got $200 ski jackets for $30. I am pretty freakin' pumped about that. I am going to wait to get to the mountian for the ski swap. I want a new pair but am not going to splurg on anything this year.
We are going to visit Amanda's Aunt Stacy at her school on Friday and then we are going to Stacy's son, Colton's football game. It is Halloween so I want to bake something for Stacy's class or at least buy then some candy! haha. They aren't mine so I can enable the mass intake of sugar on one of my favorite days of the year! It makes me sad to think that I will be missing Halloween in New York. For anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of experiencing it - Stop Wasting Precious Time People!!
That's all for now. Ciao.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Colorado Springs- Garden of the gods

This park is basically Amanda's grandparents' is gorgeous. They made her take me the other day. I can completely understand why people love living in this state. The weather here has been gorgeous during the day and pretty cold at night. I love it! We went to Amanda's cousin, Colton's high school football game last night. Talk about bringing you back! It was a lot of fun and very cold, I was excited to wear a hat and gloves. We are getting all of our things in line for Telluride, Grandma Jane has really taken care of us, to say the least!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Colorado Springs is gorgeous. It reminds me a lot of Park City, Utah. Lots of SUVs, beautiful mountains and stepford wives. Amanda and I have been trying to get things in line for our move to Telluride. Her grandparents are adorable and their house is pretty great. I have been sneaking into the country club gym at night, poor people need to work out too! hahaha. It is great, my heart rate is already high when I get to the gym - no warm up necessary.
Nothing too exciting, really. We work out, watch CNN too much and I have semi- started to study for the GMAT's. I have also been doing about 3 crossword puzzles a day... do you see how badly I need work again?? We are going to do a week of yoga next week. There is a yoga studio that has an offer for a trial day for $12 or an unlimited trial week for $15, obviously we are going for the week.
Amanda's grandparents have a 4 year old dog, named Goldie. She is a Golden Doodle. Yes, that is what I said, a GOLDEN DOODLE! Haha. Hilarious. She is a great dog and very pretty. She apparently likes me because I allow her to lick my face sometimes. I am excited to move out to Telluride in the beginning of November. I will try to post some pictures eventually.
OH! It snowed this morning. I woke up to a glorious sight. It has been quite a long time since I have seen fresh, white snow on the ground. It is beautiful and not too cold yet. Flip flops and a hoodie. Woohoo.
Nothing too exciting, really. We work out, watch CNN too much and I have semi- started to study for the GMAT's. I have also been doing about 3 crossword puzzles a day... do you see how badly I need work again?? We are going to do a week of yoga next week. There is a yoga studio that has an offer for a trial day for $12 or an unlimited trial week for $15, obviously we are going for the week.
Amanda's grandparents have a 4 year old dog, named Goldie. She is a Golden Doodle. Yes, that is what I said, a GOLDEN DOODLE! Haha. Hilarious. She is a great dog and very pretty. She apparently likes me because I allow her to lick my face sometimes. I am excited to move out to Telluride in the beginning of November. I will try to post some pictures eventually.
OH! It snowed this morning. I woke up to a glorious sight. It has been quite a long time since I have seen fresh, white snow on the ground. It is beautiful and not too cold yet. Flip flops and a hoodie. Woohoo.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Woodlands
The Woodlands are north of Houston and remind me a lot of Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. Everything is hidden by trees, understated and humid. haha. Amanda's dad and step-mom are hilarious. We went out to a great seafood place last night and are going to a block party tonight. I just pulled myself off the couch to check my email - we have been eating queso and watching college football all day. If you are not aware, I am in heaven!
We leave tomorrow for Colorado Springs. I am really excited to get out there. When we go out to Telluride to sign our lease we will be looking for bartending jobs. Telluride is in the South Western part of Colorado and is not close to most of the well known resorts. I am happy to be somewhere different.
So, let's see, what else is new with me? I sent my application back into the Peace Corps. Not sure if I will be able to go because of bills I will have to worry about over the two years. It is really frustrating but I refuse to whine about it. Everything happens for a reason, I will continue to roll with the punches all the while laughing. I am applying for a leadership position with Americorps as well. It is nothing like Peace Corps but it sounds like something else right up my alley. Volunteering, meeting and working with new people and traveling! I have also been going a tad bit crazy with my grad school search. I have a pretty decent list of schools that I can pay for while attending. There are also a lot of options if I can become a full-time employee for a University I am applying to... who knows where I will end up!
Amanda and I have been really fun this week. I think part of it is knowing that we have a new adventure to look forward to and part of it is just being ourselves again. We have had some pretty random situations, a lot of it is because we are both really out spoken. It makes life pretty interesting to say the least. It is nice to have someone who loves meeting people and doing random things as much as I do.
Oh! My hair, is turning orange. I guess trying to be a brunette when you are blonde isn't a great idea after all. I tried. Now I am stuck with hair that keeps getting lighter and looks awful. hahaha. Don't gloat Aunt Daphne, it isn't THAT funny. Kari did a good job and it looked good before I went outside!
Hasta Luego!!!
We leave tomorrow for Colorado Springs. I am really excited to get out there. When we go out to Telluride to sign our lease we will be looking for bartending jobs. Telluride is in the South Western part of Colorado and is not close to most of the well known resorts. I am happy to be somewhere different.
So, let's see, what else is new with me? I sent my application back into the Peace Corps. Not sure if I will be able to go because of bills I will have to worry about over the two years. It is really frustrating but I refuse to whine about it. Everything happens for a reason, I will continue to roll with the punches all the while laughing. I am applying for a leadership position with Americorps as well. It is nothing like Peace Corps but it sounds like something else right up my alley. Volunteering, meeting and working with new people and traveling! I have also been going a tad bit crazy with my grad school search. I have a pretty decent list of schools that I can pay for while attending. There are also a lot of options if I can become a full-time employee for a University I am applying to... who knows where I will end up!
Amanda and I have been really fun this week. I think part of it is knowing that we have a new adventure to look forward to and part of it is just being ourselves again. We have had some pretty random situations, a lot of it is because we are both really out spoken. It makes life pretty interesting to say the least. It is nice to have someone who loves meeting people and doing random things as much as I do.
Oh! My hair, is turning orange. I guess trying to be a brunette when you are blonde isn't a great idea after all. I tried. Now I am stuck with hair that keeps getting lighter and looks awful. hahaha. Don't gloat Aunt Daphne, it isn't THAT funny. Kari did a good job and it looked good before I went outside!
Hasta Luego!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda girl.
Armenian Market
I decided to start a new blog since I am starting a new journey! I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone, but if it does - get over it! haha. I was in Armenia for too long. My next stop was Ireland. It was an awesome trip with awesome people. I can back to America in the middle of September. Amanda, Chris and I stayed with my Mom. Josh skipped out of the Ireland trip a bit earlier. Steve and Meghan Sloan came to stay with us as well. It was a mini Peace Corps reunion! We had a lot of fun (as much fun as possible in New Jersey...). I stayed home an extra week to see my Timmmayy and Daner Lynn.
I decided to do something fun for work since I had to readjust my life plans. Working 9-5, five days a week at McDonalds was not very appealing. If Chipotle opened near me maybe I would have stuck around... However, the reality of the situation is that Chipotle is no where to be found near Trenton, NJ. Shame on them. I guess it worked out for the best, I am moving out west. Pretty exciting, huh? I got a job in Telluride, CO with Amanda. We are going to be ski instructors for the ski season this year. It met all my requirements: full-time, fun, different, seasonal. Telluride is my next stop on the adventure train! haha. The only minor inconvenience for me and Amanda is the fact that all of our winter clothing and accessories are still in the Republic of Georgia. hahaha. Never a dull moment.
I am currently in Pearland, Texas visiting Amanda's home. It is right outside of Houston and HUMID. I don't know how people live in this kind of weather year round. I have had tex mex, barbeque and cajun food. I know, I know, I inevitably talk about food more than anything else. There is a donut place- Shipley's...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Jack in the Box is also fabulous, especially after a night out. This is a shout out to Tim and Dana- They have Little Ceasars EVERYWHERE down here. I finally had some! And everything has a drive-thru window. Little Ceasars has a drive-thru window people! How brilliant. Needless to say, I have had 2 pizzas from there in one week. haha. Last night we went to Big Texas, it was everything I ever pictured of a Texas bar. A cute boy taught me how to two step! That's right, I got out on the dance floor in front of everyone. I had so much fun. We danced until the place closed. It is a good thing I am leaving soon, I would definitely have an accent if I lived down here.
We are going to Amanda's dad's house tonight, I am excited to meet him! Ok, enough rambling I am ending this post now. I will post more pictures when I have time.
Wait! One more brilliant thing I have been introduced to in Texas - The Red Box! They are outside of most places down here like Walgreens and CVS. It is a movie rental machine. They are $1 and you can return the DVD to any Red Box you see! Well, I thought it was a great idea.
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