I have successfully killed 20 scorpions, 7 tarantulas and countless cockroaches and other creatures this past week living on my own. I saw a shark when I was swimming off the pier the other day, that was awesome. There was an earthquake a few nights ago, being true to who I am, I slept through it! Last night there was a crazy thunderstorm and the thunder alone woke me up three time, literally shaking my bed.
The best description I have of my life right now: I am a mix of Rambo, Tom Hanks in Cast Away and the super white English teacher from every generic movie of teaching in a poor community. I go buck wild on animals/critters in and outside of my house, with my beloved machete. And then I crack open a coconut and drink the milk from it on my hammock overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Oh, I also have lots of work I am doing, I promise.
I am teaching five days a week in two schools and have a separate class with the professors to improve their English skills. I am also working with the Tourism Committee on different business plans and budgeting for upcoming festivals.
The elementary school had a competition the other day between five other communities and we won!!! I cooked chicken and rice as well as potato salad for the kids and teachers. It was so much fun.
I have running water, most of the time. I have electricity, most of the time. I went on a walk through the jungle the other day and saw three different types of monkeys, they were adorable. I LOVE THEM. I also saw tons of humongous spiders. They looked so awesome, I couldn't even be scared due to their fascinating color schemes. Needless to say, I am learning to embrace the nature world around me. My fears are slowly subsiding...amazing what weaponry can do.
All that being said, I love my life here. I miss everyone from home. And my fantasy football team is sub-par as of this past week. Things BEST turn around.
The End.
P.S. Pictures of the elementary school, teachers and students. And the inside of my house on the beach. Yes, I live alone. My hammock, my machete and quick point of reference I lay in my hammock facing the beach. :)
GROSS BUG. Actually, I don't even think that is a bug. That is a mammal.
Holy S! that is an enormous spidey. i love your little casita. el color de los mudos te queda muy bien!!
Nice machete...I want one. Those spiders are full of protien, just boil them first then peel the skin off....they taste soooo good. Excellent crib. You fixed it up real nice.
Love Dad
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